Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Title: Sun's Come Up
Caption: At least it's not so damn cold.
Music: E-Pro - Beck
Set: Playing Get-Ups
Title: Bricks
Caption: Funny how you notice things when you're tired. Nice pattern.
Music: My Boyfriend's Back - The Raveonettes
Set: Playing Get-Ups
Title: Back On The Platform
Caption: Heading back home to waste time until I have to come back to work.
Music: Blackjack Dave - The White Stripes
Set: Playing Get-Ups
Title: No Pod In This One.
Caption: It speaks for itself. What do you mean I'm supposed to start at 10!?! I'm here now! At 7!
Music: Deathly Silence
Set: Playing Get-Ups
Title: Mascot
Caption: Rick lent him to me. Everything's coming up Milhouse.
Music: Fax Machine Anthem [Dizzee Rascal Remix] - Beck
Set: Playing Get-Ups
Title: An Empty Call Centre.
Caption: Very nice to work in.
Music: Been A Son - Nirvana
Set: Playing Get-Ups
Title: And yet.
Caption: This side gives the first side a run for it's money.
Music: Don't You Just Know It - The Sonics
Set: Playing Get-Ups
Title: Behold!
Caption: A geekier desk shall never be seen.
Music: Shake 'Em On Down - R.L. Burnside
Set: Playing Get-Ups
Title: Ugh.
Caption: Arrival at work at 6:55 after finishing at 11 the night before. Oi.
Music: Wingstock - Ashley MacIsaac
Set: Playing Get-Ups

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Title: Puppy!
Caption: He wants his laksa, damnit.
Music: The Crystal Method - True Grit
Set: A Walk Up Crown Street

Title: The World Cup Is Over
Caption: Take down the banner for the Soccer-roos.
Music: Orange Crush - The Editors
Set: A Walk Up Crown Street

Title: I Am Neptune, God of the Sea!
Caption: I prance chained, and near-naked in front of pasta restaurants.
Music: Let It Flow - Ash
Set: A Walk Up Crown Street

Title: The Forsaken Nightclub
Caption: This place has been bought and resold various times, as an art gallery, a bar, and who knows what else. It's been repainted lots too, but no one can keep it.
Music: Read About It - Area Seven
Set: A Walk Up Crown Street

Title: Mr. T Studio
Caption: I pity the fool who gets his T-shirts there!
Music: Use It - The New Pornographers
Set: A Walk Up Crown Street

Title: Mini Envy
Caption: My Mini is bigger than his Mini. And I don't need racing stripes.
Music: Offend In Every Way - The White Stripes
Set: A Walk Up Crown Street

Title: Kebabs! Getcher Kebabs! Tufora Dalla!
Caption: I had a look inside. Twas nasty.
Music: Don't You Just Know It? - The Sonics
Set: A Walk Up Crown Street

Title: The Bird Mafia Returns
Caption: I used to think that these birds were following me around. They were button men for the Swanfather, who also had pelican enforcers and seagull drug dealers. I lead a charmed life.
Music: De Ballit of De Boll Weevil - The White Stripes
Set: A Walk Up Crown Street

Title: A Bad Joke
Caption: Hmm... I think they were getting their house on the installment plan, but then they were offered half off. Bwa ha ha.
Music: Before I'm Dead - Kidney Thieves
Set: A Walk Up Crown Street

Title: Back To Abnormal
Caption: My interview is finished, and I'm back where things DON'T make sense.
Music: Yellow Sun - The Saboteurs
Set: An Interview In Surry Hills [13/07/06]

Title: Wait A Second!
Caption: My interview is in the Insight building! Shit, and I can't remember what floor it was on! What if it's on the same floor? This is so wierd.
Music: The Greatest Hit - Annie
Set: An Interview In Surry Hills [13/07/06]

Title: Ew, Nasty.
Caption: Someone stole this poster's belt buckle! At least, I hope it was the belt buckle.
Music: The Greatest Hit - Annie
Set: An Interview In Surry Hills [13/07/06]

Title: Curses.
Caption: Oh, no. They're BUILDING more Aurora. No good can come of this.
Music: Silver Splinters - Manitoba
Set: An Interview In Surry Hills [13/07/06]

Title: Near Miss
Caption: Hey look! There are two cabbies driving recklessly! Who'd a thunk it?
Music: Silver Splinters - Manitoba
Set: An Interview In Surry Hills [13/07/06]
Title: Jaywalker
Caption: She's taking her life in her hands. And is that demolition going on at the Aurora, the pub famous for not much?
Music: Call It A Day - The Saboteurs
Set: An Interview In Surry Hills [13/07/06] Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Title: Dental Hospital
Caption: It still looks like God's HR Firm (as opposed to God's Tax Office, which is the Museum of Contemporary Art at Sydney Harbour).
Music: Silver Splinters - Manitoba
Set: An Interview In Surry Hills [13/07/06] Posted by Picasa

Title: The Return
Caption: It always feels wierd going back to Surry Hills in the post-call-centre-days. I feel like I should be going to the Convenience Store to stock up on V for my shift.
Music: Call It A Day - The Saboteurs
Set: An Interview In Surry Hills Posted by Picasa